Something Random


Not really a
Jan 22, 2002
I was thinking of the scanner.
Yep, I have a mm wave radar scanner like they use at the airport in my basement.

You know, your posts are immeasurably frustrating... The same guy who can write a post like this:
DeltaE is a measure of uniformity, not accuracy to a given colorspace across the luminance range.
The maximum gamut is typically dependent on the optoelectronic properties of the display. sRGB is rather small.
There is a LUT to map the input to the output (gamma curve). In a cheap display the LUT is fixed and not user accessible.
Software based correction has to be used which does not have as many bits to create a smooth curve, especially with a full range of color spaces.
A good display has a 14- or 16-bit LUT that can be accessed with the calibrator software or by optical calibrators connected directly to the display.
A few of the better displays have a built-on calibrator that pops into position for calibration.
Full of specific and exact details and no ambiguity (aside from the technical error), can't write a cogent and understandable post about what happened to his shoe or a what he really is asking about a "full body test". Clearly you can make sense when you want to. Do you think so little of us that you can't be bothered to spend the time to write posts that make sense?


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
I must have been focused on DUE rather than dE. :doh:

I am tired of being probed and prodded. I don't know what to do but they want a bunch of additional tests next week. I'm tired of feeling awful 24/7. I'll try to post less but with more content.


Not really a
Jan 22, 2002
No one is asking you to post less. How hard would it be to add an extra sentence or two so people would have some clue what you're attempting to ask about?


Florida Man
Nov 20, 2013
Eglin AFB Area
sed, does that mean you're living on campus or is that money just tuition?

I'm required to live on campus for my first year. The money is (afaik) just tuition, which means that I will NEED a job while I'm there. Still haven't talked to the Financial Aid dept., I'm hoping to do that Saturday or next Monday, which is the start of my spring break. I'm half tempted to wait a semester and swing it so I don't have to pay anything at all. I also need to get a doctors appointment, I've been putting off my first visit with my new physician for far too long.

I went fishing yesterday with a friend. I guess you could say that fishing is where my country-boy roots come through, I enjoy it far more than necessary. Didn't catch much (4 bluegill, 2 very small 2 medium-sized) but it was at the friend's pond so I wasn't expecting too much.


Not really a
Jan 22, 2002
So I discovered today that when I plugged in my new server/NAS into my gigabit switch 11 days ago I unplugged the uplink to my 10/100 PoE switch that my security cameras are connected to and used that port for the new server/NAS. So, I haven't been recording anything for the past 11 days. Ooops... :bstd:


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 24, 2003
Chattanooga, TN
It is helpful to both label the cables as well as labeling the ports in the switch. Hard to do when you are moving quickly but worthwhile.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
So I discovered today that when I plugged in my new server/NAS into my gigabit switch 11 days ago I unplugged the uplink to my 10/100 PoE switch that my security cameras are connected to and used that port for the new server/NAS. So, I haven't been recording anything for the past 11 days. Ooops... :bstd:

Good catch. With my luck I wouldn't have noticed until I needed to review the footage after a theft or other.


Not really a
Jan 22, 2002
Good catch. With my luck I wouldn't have noticed until I needed to review the footage after a theft or other.
Well, I was bound to notice it eventually since that's the only thing my old server is really still being used for. I need to pull the drive from the old server and put it in the new server and make the cameras save their to footage to it. Then I should be able to pull the old one. I would have noticed the drive was completely blank when moving the drive since it automatically scrubs footage after a certain number of days.

I also discovered the RAID-6 array in my nightly backup server was operating as RAID-5 with one drive faulted out I had a spare drive, so I pulled the offline / bad drive, put in the spare and initiated a rebuild. I need to run some tests on the drive I pulled and see what's up with it.


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jul 5, 2007
The solar just kicked in, yo!

View attachment 1071

I'm hoping that net-negative for March means I'll be able to be slightly net negative for an entire year...

Blue is total usage, but what are the green and grey bars? Peak/Off-peak? Weekend usage?

What's your monthly bill going to look like even if you are negative usage? Are there any fixed costs: taxes, fees, insurance, regulatory-fees, services charges, state of CA "special" solar-power right-to-use fee, power-grid-connect-fees, miscellaneous BS fee, etc, etc, etc?

I can't remember if you mentioned it, or are planning more upgrades/battery backups later, but do you have some type of "disconnect me from the grid" switch so you can use the panels (and their electricity) even if the grid goes down?

Estimated payback time? 5, 10, 15, 20+ years?

/end grilling. Thanks.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
Blue is total usage, but what are the green and grey bars? Peak/Off-peak? Weekend usage?

What's your monthly bill going to look like even if you are negative usage? Are there any fixed costs: taxes, fees, insurance, regulatory-fees, services charges, state of CA "special" solar-power right-to-use fee, power-grid-connect-fees, miscellaneous BS fee, etc, etc, etc?

I can't remember if you mentioned it, or are planning more upgrades/battery backups later, but do you have some type of "disconnect me from the grid" switch so you can use the panels (and their electricity) even if the grid goes down?

Estimated payback time? 5, 10, 15, 20+ years?

/end grilling. Thanks.

Blue is me, grey is my neighborhood average, green is an "efficient" house (whatever that means).

There is a monthly fee ($30? something like that) for being connected to the grid and using it like a battery. No complaints there. They also buy back any excess power (though at a really low rate; $0.03/kwh). Ideally the buyback will cover the fees.

I do have dreams (plans might be too strong) of being completely disconnected, but that is likely for the next house. This system goes down as soon as the grid does. Not that big an issue though as I already have business-grade UPSes on everything that matters.

With the tax incentives (which I won't see until next year) payback should be 6 years. Without it would be 10.


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jul 5, 2007
Edit: Thanks for the answers. Appreciate it.

Blue is me, grey is my neighborhood average, green is an "efficient" house (whatever that means).

Wow. You are a power hog! /Kidding. You are a good bit above the average. With that spike in December I'd guess you have electric central heat and not gas? Or was it some crazy Christmas light display for the house. Be honest. LMAO.

There is a monthly fee ($30? something like that) for being connected to the grid and using it like a battery. No complaints there. They also buy back any excess power (though at a really low rate; $0.03/kwh). Ideally the buyback will cover the fees.

It will be interesting to see your first post-solar bill to see how much of the $30 was "covered" and how much power you generated.

With the tax incentives (which I won't see until next year) payback should be 6 years. Without it would be 10.

Six to 10 years ain't that bad. Probably helps that you are way above the average user. It looks like it would be a 20 year payback for "average Joe" down the street.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
Wow. You are a power hog! /Kidding. You are a good bit above the average. With that spike in December I'd guess you have electric central heat and not gas? Or was it some crazy Christmas light display for the house. Be honest. LMAO.

This was actually very intentional. Around here, our power company will not let you install more generation than your average consumption. I'd been intentionally wasteful for the year, but as I approached permit time I realized I hadn't been wasteful enough to get the system capacity as high as I'd like. I fixed that in Dec ;)

The reason for wanting a larger system than my current needs is that I just placed a deposit on a Tesla Model 3, and plan on getting a used Model S (as soon as there is a used market for cars with autopilot hardware).

Over the last few years we've moved everything to electric specifically so I can wipe out those bills with solar. Heat-pump for heating and cooling, heat-pump water heater, electric oven and induction cook top. The only thing left is the clothes dryer.

From what I understand, their new process involves billing me just the connection fee (just checked, $5/mo) until the 1-year anniversary of the system going live and then sending me a bill/check to "true-up" the balance. This sounds great to me, but I need to pay attention to usage and avoid a surprise.

Last month was the first full month I had the system running and the net was negative (made more than I used). If that is the case in a cold-ish March while the sun is still fairly low, I can reasonably hope that the higher power production during the summer just might build up enough credits to let me coast through the winter without going positive.


Storage? I am Storage!
Nov 22, 2002
Somewhere in time.
Around here, our power company will not let you install more generation than your average consumption.
Why? That is irrational. What if you're planning on moving all electric? What if you have peak loads?

as I approached permit time I realized I hadn't been wasteful enough to get the system capacity as high as I'd like. I fixed that in Dec
How did you manage to spike usage?? !!


Storage is cool
Jan 21, 2002
on the floor
This was actually very intentional. Around here, our power company will not let you install more generation than your average consumption. I'd been intentionally wasteful for the year, but as I approached permit time I realized I hadn't been wasteful enough to get the system capacity as high as I'd like. I fixed that in Dec ;)

The reason for wanting a larger system than my current needs is that I just placed a deposit on a Tesla Model 3, and plan on getting a used Model S (as soon as there is a used market for cars with autopilot hardware).

Over the last few years we've moved everything to electric specifically so I can wipe out those bills with solar. Heat-pump for heating and cooling, heat-pump water heater, electric oven and induction cook top. The only thing left is the clothes dryer.

From what I understand, their new process involves billing me just the connection fee (just checked, $5/mo) until the 1-year anniversary of the system going live and then sending me a bill/check to "true-up" the balance. This sounds great to me, but I need to pay attention to usage and avoid a surprise.

Last month was the first full month I had the system running and the net was negative (made more than I used). If that is the case in a cold-ish March while the sun is still fairly low, I can reasonably hope that the higher power production during the summer just might build up enough credits to let me coast through the winter without going positive.

Are you looking at installing a "Wall Connector" to charge the Model S? Looks like that will require a 240V 100 amp branch circuit and deliver 80A to the Model S assuming it has dual chargers on board? Or will you go with a smaller circuit to maximize what your panels can deliver/minimize draw from the utility? Maybe you can install the 100A circuit and tell the car to charge at a lower rate that you specify, but retain the fast charge option if you need it?


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
Why? That is irrational. What if you're planning on moving all electric? What if you have peak loads?

If you produce your own electricity, you are helping them reduce load on their distribution network. If you produce more you become competition. Still irrational, but that is my guess.

Peak loads, and loads when production is low is handled by the grid. Same as my excess production during the day.

How did you manage to spike usage?? !!

Did silly things. Left the thermostat set to 72F (22C) 24/7, left lights on (LED, but still), upped the thermostat on the water heater, maxed out all the computers on some projects I'd been doing at work.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
Are you looking at installing a "Wall Connector" to charge the Model S? Looks like that will require a 240V 100 amp branch circuit and deliver 80A to the Model S assuming it has dual chargers on board? Or will you go with a smaller circuit to maximize what your panels can deliver/minimize draw from the utility? Maybe you can install the 100A circuit and tell the car to charge at a lower rate that you specify, but retain the fast charge option if you need it?

I've been planning this for quite some time. When I redid the electrical service in the house 8 years ago I ran a 240V/100A circuit into the garage that terminates in a dedicated sub-panel. This should be able to charge a pair of electric cars overnight.

When I did the design for the garage I pre-wired from the sub-panel to a j-box in the wall exactly where I want the wall charger to go. This is on the back wall directly between where the two cars go. I know this is the right location for the Model S, hoping the same is true for the 3.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
It's a shame that cars typically get charged at night, when the Sun is kinda missing ...

This is why I pay the utility company $5/mo; to treat them like a giant battery. When I use more power than I produce, my electric meter runs forward. When I produce more than I use, it runs backwards. The difference over a year is all that I care about at the moment. This is a pretty standard arrangement.

When I go off-grid I'll need a few more battery banks to hold power during the day.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 18, 2002
Brisbane, Oz
There is a monthly fee ($30? something like that) for being connected to the grid and using it like a battery...They also buy back any excess power (though at a really low rate; $0.03/kwh). Ideally the buyback will cover the fees.

Ah, I see, this works differently to how I expected. You're saying that your feed in during the day is credited at the same rate as your draw down at night. When is it reconciled to decide whether or not you provided an excess: daily or at the end of each month?

When feed in was first popularized here about 10 years ago, the tariff was set to about triple the draw down tariff, making it hugely profitable for early adopters. Now, feed in is only worth about $0.03/kWh, so I naturally assumed that was what you meant.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
I'm required to live on campus for my first year. The money is (afaik) just tuition, which means that I will NEED a job while I'm there. Still haven't talked to the Financial Aid dept., I'm hoping to do that Saturday or next Monday, which is the start of my spring break. I'm half tempted to wait a semester and swing it so I don't have to pay anything at all. I also need to get a doctors appointment, I've been putting off my first visit with my new physician for far too long.

When I was at school, I worked for the Campus Computing Center. They put me on a 30-hour a week schedule, which was at much as they were allowed to do for a full time student. I liked my job as a Lab Manager more than actually being at school. I made OK money and I was already on campus, it was entirely convenient as well. Not a bad gig if you can find something similar.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
Ah, I see, this works differently to how I expected. You're saying that your feed in during the day is credited at the same rate as your draw down at night. When is it reconciled to decide whether or not you provided an excess: daily or at the end of each month?

When feed in was first popularized here about 10 years ago, the tariff was set to about triple the draw down tariff, making it hugely profitable for early adopters. Now, feed in is only worth about $0.03/kWh, so I naturally assumed that was what you meant.

Almost. Every month I'm charged $5 for the ability to take or put energy into the grid as needed. Actual usage is only calculated once a year when they look at the net for the entire period. At that point I pay somewhere between $0.21 and $0.36 depending on how much I went over. If they owe me it is all paid at $0.03.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
Six to 10 years ain't that bad. Probably helps that you are way above the average user. It looks like it would be a 20 year payback for "average Joe" down the street.
Average Joe down the street would only need half as many panels since his neighborhood average is half Dave's consumption. So the payback for someone else with normal electrical usage would probably be 12 to 15 years since there are fixed cost to installing a solar system (like mod to the house electrical wiring and man hours bill for the installation, so installing half as many panels isn't half the total cost).


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
Average Joe down the street would only need half as many panels since his neighborhood average is half Dave's consumption. So the payback for someone else with normal electrical usage would probably be 12 to 15 years since there are fixed cost to installing a solar system (like mod to the house electrical wiring and man hours bill for the installation, so installing half as many panels isn't half the total cost).

Exactly. Another reason to move as much as possible to electric first.


Not really a
Jan 22, 2002
It is super cheesy, but I just couldn't help myself. I Used the $25 off $125 coupon eBay has going through 7PM PST tonight (CSPRING25OFF125) to drop it to $102.99 shipped.
KeyboaГd came on FГiday. I opened it up and tested it out today. I've got it glowing Гed with the keys tuГning white when they'Гe pГessed. It's goofy, but I like it.

The typeface is horrid. What's with the Russian Г instead of an R?
So I wГote this post with the keyboaГd in question. You'll have to let me know if you can undeГstand what I wrote or not. I wasn't expecting it to inseГt the Гussian chaГacteГ eveГywheГe as I typed.


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
KeyboaГd came on FГiday. I opened it up and tested it out today. I've got it glowing Гed with the keys tuГning white when they'Гe pГessed. It's goofy, but I like it.

So I wГote this post with the keyboaГd in question. You'll have to let me know if you can undeГstand what I wrote or not. I wasn't expecting it to inseГt the Гussian chaГacteГ eveГywheГe as I typed.

Is г stuck in caps lock mode? :)


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 24, 2003
Chattanooga, TN
Anybody doing centralized AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting) at home? What software are you using?


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Single sign on in the home? Maybe look at OneLogin? I think they're free for a small number of users and tools. I'm not sure what it's reporting options look like there's probably something. What's the application for it in the home?


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
Probably won't do most of the things you're after, but my wife and I use a joint LastPass account. It has all the credentials to all of the things and is on both our phones and all the computers. That and a joint DropBox make things really easy.


Not really a
Jan 22, 2002
Not that I really expect much of the WebEx clowns, but really... They don't support MS's new Edge browser? They detect it as Chrome... I mean I totally get that it only came out last year, and they couldn't have possibly tested with the betas, but c'mon... :skepo:


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
Not that I really expect much of the WebEx clowns, but really... They don't support MS's new Edge browser? They detect it as Chrome... I mean I totally get that it only came out last year, and they couldn't have possibly tested with the betas, but c'mon... :skepo:

Can't you still use IE11 or something else in Win 10 for the Webex?


Jan 13, 2002
I just rented it on Redbox on Bluray tonight. I got about an hour left on the handbrake job.