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  • J
    jtr1962 replied to the thread Something Random.
    I'd probably just ship my luggage to a UPS store near my final destination where they can hold it until I get there. All this lost...
  • Mercutio
    Mercutio replied to the thread Nvidia 50xx.
    Looks like the AIB vendors want to charge $900 for a 5070Ti. Probably the better part of a paycheck for most of us.
  • Mercutio
    Mercutio replied to the thread Something Random.
    The first time I ever flew, I made the rookie mistake of putting my car keys in my coat pocket and packing my coat because it was...
  • sedrosken
    sedrosken replied to the thread Something Random.
    I got rerouted twice more. Eventually my way home ended up being YOW->YUL->ATL->PNS. I got lucky -- apparently they practically shut...
  • ddrueding
    ddrueding reacted to sedrosken's post in the thread Something Random with Like Like.
    I don't travel to travel, so when things unraveled between us when we finally met in person after ten minutes... yeah. I just want to be...
  • Newtun
    Newtun reacted to sedrosken's post in the thread Something Random with Like Like.
    I don't travel to travel, so when things unraveled between us when we finally met in person after ten minutes... yeah. I just want to be...
  • sedrosken
    sedrosken replied to the thread Something Random.
    I don't travel to travel, so when things unraveled between us when we finally met in person after ten minutes... yeah. I just want to be...
  • J
    jtr1962 replied to the thread Something Random.
    I second Mercutio's sentiments. :cry:
  • Mercutio
    Mercutio replied to the thread Something Random.
    If you felt the need to get home on Valentine's Day, you're better off getting home. It's a tough break but sometimes things just don't...
  • Mercutio
    Mercutio replied to the thread Something Random.
    Double posted somehow
  • sedrosken
    sedrosken replied to the thread Windows 11.
    I meant that particular winget command you put in, with the ID or whatever it is -- sorry, I actually haven't ever used winget.
  • sedrosken
    sedrosken replied to the thread Something Random.
    Well. To give you an idea of how that went, I'm going back home on the first flight out, which is tomorrow morning.
  • J
    jtr1962 replied to the thread Something Random.
    Cars in NYC generally always cause more problems than they solve, starting with finding where to park them. Lots of reasons why I never...
  • Mercutio
    Mercutio replied to the thread Something Random.
    I wasn't with her on that trip. The people she was working for paid for everything, but car caused a lot more problems than it solved.
  • Mercutio
    Mercutio replied to the thread Windows 11.
    Winget is just winget but once it's installed, it mostly does the same things as chocolatey. Chocolatey is easier to use but it doesn't...