WTB: 4 pieces 64MB 72-pin EDO SIMMs (double-sided, 60ns)


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
I'm interested in buying four(4) of these for my Linux machine(currently 32 MB). Best price so far on Pricewatch is $8 each, but it seems everyone is charging something like $20 S&H. :eek: One place had them for $10 each with free shipping(USPS-uninsured). If anybody has some in their parts bin that they will no longer be using please let me know how much you want for them. I can pay you with PayPal or by personal check, whichever you prefer. I would much rather give my business to someone here than an online store. ;)

If you're interested in some sort of trade instead let me know what you want and I'll see if I have it. I have quite a few parts for older(386, 486) PCs. Also a huge amount of electronics parts, both new and surplus.

I might also be interested in a pair of 32MB 72-pin EDO SIMMs, once again double-sided 60 ns, for my mom's machine if the price is reasonable.


Storage? I am Storage!
Oct 12, 2002
Kansas City, USA
I've got bunches of 4's and 8's... but no left over 16's... and I dont think i even have 32mb or bigger sticks. Sorry.

I'm not sure what all of it's even EDO, some are 70ns and some are 60ns... is it safe to assume that all the 60's are EDO and all the 70's are Fast page? is there some kind of standard marking to let me know?


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
Look for a -6 or -7 on the chips. This usually denotes 60 or 70 ns. If in doubt post a picture and I can tell you what it is. I have a bunch of 4s myself. Anything less that 16 MB is just about worthless these days. Just check eBay, and the selling prices there are high compared to online retailers. Some places have 32s going for $5 or $6, 16s for about $2, and anything less they usually only sell in lots of 10 or 20 for <$1 each. Pretty sad considering these parts were over $100 new. :(

I think you can assume anything 70ns is FPM, but 60ns can be either, although it is usually EDO. The only way to know for sure is to put it in a board and see.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 24, 2003
Chattanooga, TN
jtr1962 said:
Look for a -6 or -7 on the chips. This usually denotes 60 or 70 ns. If in doubt post a picture and I can tell you what it is. I have a bunch of 4s myself. Anything less that 16 MB is just about worthless these days. Just check eBay, and the selling prices there are high compared to online retailers. Some places have 32s going for $5 or $6, 16s for about $2, and anything less they usually only sell in lots of 10 or 20 for <$1 each. Pretty sad considering these parts were over $100 new. :(

I think you can assume anything 70ns is FPM, but 60ns can be either, although it is usually EDO. The only way to know for sure is to put it in a board and see.

Is it unusal for EDO SIMMS to work in an FPM only board?


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 21, 2002
Runny glass
I had EDO working in my FP Pentium 66 (fdiv bug intact) mobo (tho it did blue screen everyday I think there were other serious problems (such as me installing the AT power connectors with the black wires on the outside!)