U.S. is still most obese country in the world


Wannabe Storage Freak
Sep 20, 2006

According to a 2007 CDC study, however, 34 percent of Americans are obese, meaning they have a BMI, or Body Mass Index, over 25 (the same metric the Australian study used).
To catch up with those Texas-sized numbers, the Aussies will need to put more pounds on down under before they can rightfully claim this dubious title.
Might we suggest a blooming onion at the Outback Steakhouse?
The vegetarian dish reportedly packs 2210 calories.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
It's finally cool enough to walk to dinner. 1.5 miles each way to a great burger joint, where I'm sure the sweet potato fries will counter any benefit the 3 mile walk will have.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
Actually, BMI between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight. BMI>30 is obese, or "obeast" as my late father used to pronounce it. Still, point taken-Americans are the fattest people on Earth, but the EU is catching up.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
I believe I read last week that Australia has overtaken the US as the most obese nation. I'd dig up a link but I am busy eating a McNugget.

Anyway, I got my Wii Fit today. My first one disappeared from a FedEx shipping depot, so this is the replacement. I may post something about it after I try the stupid thing.


Storage Is My Life
Jan 23, 2002
Illinois, USA
Anyway, I got my Wii Fit today. My first one disappeared from a FedEx shipping depot, so this is the replacement. I may post something about it after I try the stupid thing.
Haven't got the Fit yet but we did buy Mariokart yesterday.


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
I believe I read last week that Australia has overtaken the US as the most obese nation. I'd dig up a link but I am busy eating a McNugget.

Oh boy. I'd like to hear Tony's take and that of the other Australians.


Wotty wot wot.
Nov 8, 2006
Gold Coast Hinterland, Australia
I've read through a couple of the recent reports, and all focus *solely* on BMI, which IMO is crap. (The report naming Australia as the "Fattest" has this flaw).

eg, take most people is the military/defence force, and most will be considered obese due to high BMIs, even though a good proportion will have normal to low body fat %.

A true measurement of a person obesity status can only be made, using a combination of measurements, the common ones being BMI, Waist to Height ratio, and body fat %.

Personally, I'm running a BMI of 28, however my body fat % is within the healthy weight range. (Sitting around 14-15% on the body fat, and I've put on at least 10lb due to my reduced activity level since our 4mth old was born).

Oh boy. I'd like to hear Tony's take and that of the other Australians.

Personally, I'm seeing more and more people being overweight in every day life, so see nothing wrong with the statement as long as there is truth in it.


Wannabe Storage Freak
Sep 20, 2006
I believe I read last week that Australia has overtaken the US as the most obese nation. I'd dig up a link but I am busy eating a McNugget.

Anyway, I got my Wii Fit today. My first one disappeared from a FedEx shipping depot, so this is the replacement. I may post something about it after I try the stupid thing.

Arrgh Merc! See what you're doing to me, now I have to explain yet again to Howell why all of my posts aren't the preferred SF 'blogger' style responses. I specifically put up this story link, because you're supposed to click on it and read it...it references the Australia report that was circulated all over the Net as a big headline.

I give up, no more trying to be 'cute' to appease the blogger/Net ADD mentality. I was going to just post up this link as a follow up reply post with no comment....*sigh* since I know Merc and most of you won't read it I guess I'll nead to spoon feed from now on :(

Fat people outlawed?

Federal Limits On Pants Sizes?

Over the years, a cabal of American diet dictators has proposed a litany of crazy proposals to tax, legislate, and litigate away our extra pounds. Now foreign food cops have topped them all by implementing an entirely new weight regulation: government-imposed limits on waist size. Two months ago, Japan passed a law requiring companies and local governments to measure the waistlines of residents between the ages of 40 and 74. If the midriffs of those 56 million citizens don’t fall below the state-established limit (33.5 inches for men and 35.4 inches for women), they’ll be labeled “at risk” and subject to a host of mandatory interventions.
U.S. News & World Report notes that the new laws have “given the government and employers, long dominant forces in Japanese workers’ lives, places at the dinner table in ordinary Japanese homes." And Japan's government is not the only one trying to wedge itself in between people and their food. Late last year, the British Parliament proposed constructing “fit towns” to fight obesity by regularly hosting weigh-ins to track children’s weight, and shipping overweight kids off to government-sponsored fat camps.
Fat fiats aren’t just overseas affairs. American health officials are also taking aim at our food choices under the guise of protecting “public health.” From Los Angeles (home of a proposed ordinance outlawing new “fast food” restaurants) to New York (whose health department guilt-trips consumers into eating low-calorie lunches), for-your-own-good policies are spreading like wildfire. And if we don’t stop them soon, it may not be too long before U.S. politicians are demanding to know our waist sizes too.


Storage is cool
May 30, 2005
Well if you have to live in teh forieng country for monthos then the wieght goes awy. ;( Soime food its horoid/wrethced in the Asian sides.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
China was much better than Russia, and either beat India by a mile. Of course, you can pay a lot in the right places and get great food just about anywhere, but I try to eat where the locals eat when I travel.


Storage is cool
May 30, 2005
Of coures thera are be differnt tastes. China not so gtood, but Kioerean worse for my opiniones. Japna is OK, if the food is scooked. Manin probelm in the forgein counties is nto knowing what the hell tyhe food is at all. :( EU is someting decent most of the time. At least at some italian reastarauter in Switzerland or fRance , etc. ther is something famailiare.