Sam's 256GB SSD-disruptive performance...cost?


Wannabe Storage Freak
Sep 20, 2006
If it's costs less than 3x ($1.5k) the Intel Xtreme 80GB SSD, then we have a winner. It's a year late, since Samsung announced they'd be shipping such a drive, but how long before the 512GB SSD's (that you don't need to sell off a kidney for) come to market?

”While SSD’s have always been touted for their performance, Samsung is turning the storage industry upside down now with an SSD that delivers truly disruptive performance,” said Jim Elliott, vice president, memory marketing, Samsung Semiconductor, Inc. ”Getting our exceptionally high performing 256GB SSD in a notebook is analogous to having a 15,000rpm drive, without all of its size, noise, power and heating drawbacks.”...This single platform is designed to easily adapt to Samsung’s 40nm class NAND flash memory.

platform designed to easily adapt to 40nm process, does this mean we're finally getting 40nm SSD's, or is that still in the all prior SSD's to date have been stuck at 50nm or larger.

The new read speed, if realized, would come close to saturating its SATA300 interface, and is almost double that of any prior laptop SSD. If trends continue, the SATA interface might become insufficient to feed new generations of disks. The upcoming SATA600 standard might be needed as soon as next year.

The future is now...though Samsung does have a track record, equal or exceeding Seagate in being guilty of vaporware, tardy releases.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
That is getting to silly sizes now. I'm sure there are applications out there, but I don't think I'd want anything larger than a 128GB for my stuff. Exchange has a 100GB cap, none of my other databases are larger than about 60GB. Even running an army of VMs on a machine only takes up 10-25GB each. My only other need for large drives would be file storage, and I don't think that will be going SSD for another year.