Living Water


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 18, 2002
Brisbane, Oz
Came across this site:

Clearly, this is the product we've all been waiting for. Did you know that Nature (and the Grander Penergiser) uses Planetary Energy to cleanse water? Or that "Filtered, purified, bottled, tap, bore, rain and distilled water have all lost their natural energy and original vibration."?

In a Grander unit, "The molecular structure is altered by vortex energy (implosion) and magnetic forces."; yet, "The chemical structure is unchanged."

"High frequency oscillations cause the molecules to repel one another and mix in a turbulence, which creates the freshness and vitality typical of deep mountain spring water." Amazing stuff, I'm sure you'll agree.

And last, but by no means least:
  • Animals thrive on Living Water, and prefer it to any other water.
  • Rust and mineral deposits in pipes will be automatically flushed out and prevented from forming.
  • Calcium deposits in boilers and hot water tanks are dissolved.
  • Household water becomes softer, and many people notice an improvement in skin softness.
  • Vegies and cut flowers stay fresh up to twice as long with Living Water.
  • Bathing in Living Water refreshes and energises, instead of leaving you tired and wrinkly-skinned!
  • Crops and gardens grow faster and stronger when irrigated with Living Water.
  • People find that they use less detergent, soap and shampoo.
If you like the Penergiser, you'll probably also be interested in the RH48 Lymphaciser. The comparison between mini-trampolines and the Lymphaciser is particularly enlightening.

Another perennial favourite is the EmPower Modulator, which was first reviewed by DansData nearly seven years ago.

The Grammar Police

Learning Storage Performance
May 30, 2002
We are everywhere!
Gah! There seems to be a small family dispute going on in the House of Tannin. Tea read the garbage above, but seemed to find herself incapable of being sufficiently rude about it to do the subject justice. Even Tannin can't summon up the bile to adequetly deal with the (alleged) mind that can dream up incoherent nonsense such as—and I pick one sentence amongst many merely for the same of example, not because it is any more stupid than the others— High frequency oscillations cause the molecules to repel one another and mix in a turbulence, which creates the freshness and vitality typical of deep mountain spring water.

So it seems that I have been lumbered with the job.

Shall we start with the sentence above? Do we know what "high frequency molecular oscilations" are? The sort that "make molecules repel one another and mix in a turbulence"? Well, as a matter of fact, we do know what these high frequency oscillations are, though it's conventional, when dealing with oscillations of this kind to talk in terms of wavelengths rather than frequencies, and the wavelengths in question are of the order of 2cm. The oscillations are, in fact, quite well known to scientists, aircraft engineers, busy housewives, and traffic police. They are called "electromagnetic radiation in the centimetric band", or "microwaves" for short, and they are what you use to make molecules of water "repel one another" and "mix in a turbulence", should the mood happen to take you. The turbulence itself, just in case anyone is wondering, has a name too, though it might be a bit complicated for these morons to get their minds around. It's called "heat".

Ahh, I give up. I can't possibly be scathing enough to deal with these imbeciles in the manner that they so richly deserve. Where is the Giver when you need him? He might just be our only hope. Even my friend Ekaf-Ami is shaking his head and saying "there is nothing I can be saying stupidly enough to be fitting comment for these moronic persons of the nut-case department".

The Grammar Police

Learning Storage Performance
May 30, 2002
We are everywhere!
People find that they use less detergent, soap and shampoo.

Well, yes. Ain't you never seen the Rinso and Omo and Cold Power ads on TV? People do use less detergent when they wash in hot water.



Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
I don't know what's scarier-the people that think up things like this, or the morons who actually believe this crap. Evidently enough people fall for gibberish like this or it wouldn't be so widely used.

Did you know that Nature (and the Grander Penergiser) uses Planetary Energy to cleanse water?

WTF is a "Grander Penergiser"? Is that something that energizes your penis perhaps? Or makes it bigger("grander")? Or both? F*cking morons!