Goose Pictures


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
Picture A has White Goose with hurt wing, and two canadian geese.
They are very nice, and, as a general rule, are always very round and large.

Picture B features MotherGoose, in grey, and one of the 3 white geese.
MotherGoose is very nice, and usually has her tummy just about dragging on the ground.

The white goose looks like the nice one of the 3. She's rather dainty, walks like a lady, and will carefully, and slowly, take each piece of bread from your fingers.
She has a twin brother that will happily remove your finger, in a very sharp, turning motion, as he takes the bread from you.

Picture C is the same as A????

Picture D is of a yearling goose being affectionate. This goose has huge feet, paddles like an aircraft carrier, and leaves a wake about the same size. She appears to be a cross between a Canadian goose, and a mother goose.

Picture E appears to be a larger version of Picture C.

Tannin, I hope you and Tea enjoy these pictures.

By the way, I saved a female mallard after she was hit by a car.

She has a very dainty walk, and it's distinctive. She's the only mallard that will come up and sit between my feet while I feed the others.

She wasn't around this day. I'll try and get a pic of her as well.



Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
You didn't goof. I tried to resize them last night, and I was falling a sleep as I did it.

NOT YOUR MISTAKE. Sorry, and thanks for the help.


OT: Polizei

What is this storage?
Jun 19, 2002
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Learning Storage Performance
Jul 30, 2002
Santilli said:
Walnut Creek local park.

Is it that place at the edge of the hills on the east side of town (forgot name). That's the only park I've been to in Walnut Creek. Then there was an arbouretum in Concord built around an old large house, on er... that "triangle" of land with a municipal park.



Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
We've saved a goose or two, along with my mama mallard.

What happens is guys go fishing, either with snags, for the large fish in the pond, or for catching geese. The hooks get caught on em, and tie up their wings.

We've grabbed a couple, and took the lines off, one person holding the other removing the hook and line, and, it can get REAL touchy.

Funny part is the geese KNOW we are trying to help them, and they are pretty nice about it. Between catching a wing in the head by accident one time, when a canadian goose was scared by a dog, and took off, clipping me in the head, and the play, semi-hard bites of some of em, I have no delusions that if when we picked them up to take the lines off, they could have poked our eyes out, and done serious damage.

As my cat has taught me, it's amazing how weak and feeble we are compared to animals that at 4 pounds, can, if provoked, pretty much tear us up, real well. Same with animals that are strong enough to fly forever,
like mallards, and canadian geese.

I have little doubt that animals feel our intentions far more then we are capable of, and if fright doesn't win em over, they understand you are there to help.

I just worry that they think all humans have their best intrests at mind, and that isn't the case.

We had a couple punks throw rocks at the geese. I called the police, and they did it again.

We sort of got in a yelling match, something like, brilliant dialog on my part,

"Get your m.....g punk asses over here boy and say that to me..."
3 kids went around the park, after trying to kill geese by throwing heavy rocks at them, and, after I departed, they destroyed property at the park.

Police took over 40 minutes to respond.

I have the case number and if I see them again, I will report them.

All things considered, they are VERY lucky they didn't come around and confront us...the geese escaped unharmed.

This was the second time I had watched the punks throw fishing lines in this pond, which is prohibited. I think they had the pull the wings off fly attitudes...



Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
Heather farms is going east, out of town, sort of over a small hill, and near a large hospital, John Muir.
