Google adwords advertisement


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
One company contacted me today to advertise on Google. They were quite agressive and tried to push their advertisement down my throat for almost 15 minutes. I finally asked the guy for his phone number and told him that I would contact him if/when I'll feel the need for it. The company's phone number is 1-800-961-0256. I hate marketing phone calls. As much as I know that I need to invest more on my online presence, I know my wallet doesn't want me to commit myself to any additional expense these days. And somehow, sending my hard-earn money to a company probably located in another country or continent wasn't particularly appealing. Dealing with you guys is another story because we've known each others for a while.

If any of you are business owners and that 1-800-961-0256 rings a bell, please share your opinion.

One last thing, if you ever try to promote your company in a foreign country where the main language isn't english, hire locals to make the calls. I'm not sure The Jojo would react positively if some marketing drone would call him and try to sell him something in a language other than fin. Same for Paugie in his language. Just like I'm far from being convinced that any Californian member here would fall for an offer if the seller spoke to them in spanish. It's a matter of respecting the customer.