(98SE) Windows Protection Error after Defrag


Florida Man
Nov 20, 2013
Eglin AFB Area
I have 98SE installed on ye olde Pentium 4, and I had everything just about set up when I went to defrag...

It told me that it encountered an error and to run a Thorough scan on ScanDisk. Okay, so I do that, and defrag again. This time, defrag completes without an issue. I reboot, and I get the Windows Protection Error.

Now, you might need to think pretty hard on this one, since it's probably been several years since you've had to service a 98SE machine, but do any of you know what could possibly be causing this? I've done the usual boot troubleshooting, running a logged boot and then booting into safe mode to look at the log to see where it ran into the protection error, and from what I can tell all it's failing to do is load fonts.

Wait, what?! Since when did failing to load fonts of all things lead to a protection error? Is there something else at play here? Please help me out here... I don't think I can sit through another install process...

I mean, booting into safe mode works fine. I can access all of my fonts, all of my everything. Except for any graphics settings higher than 640*480*16, and sound.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
It's probably a registry issue rather than a problem with the font files themselves. There's are a couple programs that are supposed to Fix Windows 98's fonts folder, but the standard practice for fixing anything about Windows 98 was to just do an in-place reinstall and that's what I'd suggest in this case as well since you obviously have the install media sitting around.


Florida Man
Nov 20, 2013
Eglin AFB Area
Well, I'm letting ScanDisk run another lap from safe mode. It's much slower running in safe mode, I've noticed. It's been going for about a half hour and it's just short of 10% done. It took all of twenty minutes running it normally.

Anything to not have to do yet ANOTHER reinstall...

I guess if it doesn't pan out I'll put DOS 7 and Win2K on it. Win2K is almost as light as 98SE, and has about the same level of compatibility. Much faster than XP on ye olde Pentium 4, anyway.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
There are "lite" versions of XP. One that I've used in a couple specific circumstances would load on an original Pentium and only required 40MB RAM. Of course, it wouldn't take updates and had a lot of functions stripped out, but in most other respects it was functional.
I believe it was called XPlite, if you want to go digging for it.


Florida Man
Nov 20, 2013
Eglin AFB Area
I have one such lite version, I think they called it "Performance Edition" or some such. I've tried it and I can honestly say I don't like it. It certainly performs faster than XP, and boots faster too. But it strips a lot of the miscellaneous tools and utilities that I happened to like very much.

I tried to put 2K on it but the damn thing up and died on me halfway through. Literally. Died. Won't boot anymore, I can turn it on but all the access lights stay on and I get no response from the monitor. I think I'll put it out to the curb next trash cycle. Keeping the GeForce2 MX card though. That thing has lived through a lot and the last thing it deserves is the trash.