Recent content by Dozer

  1. D

    Return of the king

    Absolutely, positively incredible. The three hours and twenty minutes went by way too quickly.
  2. D

    [NEWS] - Building a budget storage server

    Merc- I'm quite interested in HTPCs--I'm wanting to build a unit at some point, don't know much about them, and would love to hear what you have to say. -Doz
  3. D

    Inwall Speakers

    No highs, no lows, buy Bose. :)
  4. D

    webpage updating

    How about this. I've used Gallery in the past and it's relatively simple to administer once installed. If you are interested in automating the entire site, you could use one of the many content management systems out there (Drupal, Plone, PHPNuke, etc.) Lots of these are available on...
  5. D

    Memoirs of a Linux Convert

    Most of the application I use at home are comparable in speed. I am extremely pleased with the way Opera works for browsing. OpenOffice applications function as well as Microsoft Office. Nothing seems to be too laggy. The only apps that I’ve tried using emulation are Photoshop and IE 6...
  6. D

    Memoirs of a Linux Convert

    I've made a concerted effort to use a Linux-only box for my essential computing needs at home. I am currently posting from a Mandrake 9.1 box running KDE 3.1, Opera 7.21, and a slew of applications ranging from OpenOffice, CrossOver Office, Samba, Xmss, and Xine. I've been using this machine...
  7. D

    So, um, where is everyone?

    I've lately been reading more than posting. With a new girlfriend, lots of work responsibilities, and many extra-curricular activities, as well as moving, I have found little time for composing my thoughts and sharing them here. I think this is a very fair statement. The more involved you...
  8. D

    I am a monumental sex god who loves to taste dinosaurs

    You are a flatulent midget who loves to smack werewolves.
  9. D

    surfs up, lets go!

    Been gone awhile...Surf's always up in the summertime in the south, with many premiere whitewater rivers including the Gauley, The New, The Ocoee (just 45 minutes from me), and the Nantahala, just to mention a few--and no sharks (although some of the rocks are probably as sharp as a shark's...
  10. D

    Hack It!

    I'm at 3. Not too hard so far.
  11. D

    Writing something

    Bravo, Merc! You've peaked my interest, as well. We will be anxiously awaiting the next part of the story.
  12. D

    Spring Time

    The best part about spring for me--spring rain = running rivers. This is me "side-surfing" at the Hiwassee River:
  13. D

    Recommendations on good books to read

    I would love one, as well. Sounds like my type of reading.
  14. D

    Getting In Shape

    And I know I speak for the group in saying that we're glad you have kept this promise. Absolutely. Depression is a difficult thing to describe unless you've experienced deep depression. And I don't think anyone can prescribe a sure-fire cure, because there are so many different types of...
  15. D

    What do we all look like

    I have available space, too. Rent free!