Something Random


Jan 13, 2002
On the contrary. The democrats have just sealed his re-election. And, he's not in the office. He's at a rally.

Russia has influenced his election. He impeached himself.

Of course he'd be at a's not like he knows how to run a country, act like a mature adult, or actually not tell a dozen lies in a given hour. Continued die-hard republican support of highly corrupt scam artist. It's incredibly sad so many people can't see it.


Not really a
Jan 22, 2002
It must be "nice" being miserable all the time in Roswell Rachel's RDF while life gets better, the economy roars, and a majority of the country see through the delusions and pettiness of the people who refuse to accept the results of the 2016 election.


Jan 13, 2002
Ah, so you do the same as Trump and the GOP. Try to focus on the economy that Obama rebuilt (thanks Obama) as misdirection to distract the illegal acts the criminal in the White House doing.

Trump isn't giving the US a roaring economy, he's proven he's far too dumb to be able to achieve anything that good. All you have to do is listen to him if you can stand him for more than 5 minutes of rambling. US citizens should not accept the results of an election that were influenced by Russia. The majority of the country is booing this man when he can't hand-pick supporters.


Not really a
Jan 22, 2002
RDF, gaslighting, and TDS confirmed. Way to hit the trifecta!

Basically none of what you said is true. It's almost impressive that you were able to get so much wrong in so few words.


Jan 13, 2002
RDF, gaslighting, and TDS confirmed. Way to hit the trifecta!

Basically none of what you said is true. It's almost impressive that you were able to get so much wrong in so few words.

Made up terms are the only real defense Trump supporters can muster up these days since talking facts aren't possible even if it means showing clips of the president saying/doing things that break the law or show that he's made racist statements. I'm surprised you also didn't try to get the newer one in, never trumper or hoax, shame, witch-hunt, lynching...any others I've missed to describe misdirection attempts? Maybe the thousands of false claims he's told up until this point, many of which he continues to repeat can't be used as proof because, let me guess, you'll claim that isn't true or false news even if I provide examples. The amount of times he's criticized a specific thing, person, event and then has gone on to do that exact same thing are mind boggling. Even if you're not paying attention, you would still have a hard time missing a few of these.

Bold claims for a trump supporter to suggest I'm the one saying things that aren't true and that my points are wrong. Lol


Jan 13, 2002
Sorry for bringing up the impeachment. (didn't mean to cause conflict). 🥺
Nah it's fine, the impeachment has been long overdue. I'm actually impressed he's made it this long. It would be interesting to actually chat about it. This divide is pretty normal amongst conservatives and far right supporters and they live in their own reality it seems.


Wotty wot wot.
Nov 8, 2006
Gold Coast Hinterland, Australia
It would be interesting to actually chat about it.
It's pretty similar here in Oz, the blindness of the party faithful (on all sides) is pretty astounding.

I saw an interesting comment on /. about the truth in regards to politicians claims...

For every item they claim as their success, can you actually show what policy or program they initiated and oversaw (for a decent period) to back the claim...

It's a great one when someone claims they (as in the politician) generated jobs, or improved the economy, or unemployment, or ... (insert any other item).


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
Nah it's fine, the impeachment has been long overdue. I'm actually impressed he's made it this long. It would be interesting to actually chat about it. This divide is pretty normal amongst conservatives and far right supporters and they live in their own reality it seems.

It's symbolic because the Senate doesn't have the votes to actually finish the process and put him out of office. Moreover, with this country having a lot of issues like poor infrastructure, a lousy healthcare system, and a growing divide between the working classes and those in charge, in my opinion the whole impeachment is a pointless distraction. If the Democrats want to have more power, how about some ideas to address everything I mentioned, along with other structural problems we have? Instead, it seems to me other than impeaching Trump they're more worried about illegal aliens than working class Americans. The Democrats in their own way are no better than the GOP but what they did here with the impeachment and the far left shift is to essentially guarantee Trump victory in 2020, and probably they'll lose seats in the House and Senate as well.

Also, don't think Trump will be term-limited after 2020. He'll probably find a way around that. We might be stuck with him until he dies. After that we'll get his hand-picked successor, who will most likely be Ivanka.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
So any bets on when the US changes from an Oligarchy to an Autocracy then? Or would a 2nd civil war is more likely?

I think we'll eventually get both. As it is now a lot of the divisions in philosophy are between the coasts and the midwest. Honestly, if the country broke up into three parts along those lines it would solve a lot of our problems.

As for Trump, I have mixed feelings. Clinton would have been a disaster for sure so I'm glad she didn't get in. As for 2020, whether Trump is the better choice depends upon who ultimately gets the Democratic nomination. I personally think Yang makes the most sense out of all the people running, but he has a snowball's chance in hell of winning the primaries. I'm less than enthusiastic about Biden, Sanders, or Warren. That's two old men and one old woman with no really great ideas.


Storage is cool
Jan 21, 2002
on the floor
It's symbolic because the Senate doesn't have the votes to actually finish the process and put him out of office. Moreover, with this country having a lot of issues like poor infrastructure, a lousy healthcare system, and a growing divide between the working classes and those in charge, in my opinion the whole impeachment is a pointless distraction. If the Democrats want to have more power, how about some ideas to address everything I mentioned, along with other structural problems we have? Instead, it seems to me other than impeaching Trump they're more worried about illegal aliens than working class Americans. The Democrats in their own way are no better than the GOP but what they did here with the impeachment and the far left shift is to essentially guarantee Trump victory in 2020, and probably they'll lose seats in the House and Senate as well.

Also, don't think Trump will be term-limited after 2020. He'll probably find a way around that. We might be stuck with him until he dies. After that we'll get his hand-picked successor, who will most likely be Ivanka.
Yes just this week NY started allowing illegal immigrants to obtain drivers licenses the "Green light law", ever since 9/11 you have had to show proof of lawful status in the US at the DMV prior to getting a permit/license.



Not really a
Jan 22, 2002
Bold claims for a trump supporter to suggest I'm the one saying things that aren't true and that my points are wrong. Lol
I'm sorry that the truth hurts. Doubling down on the same lies isn't going to help you.

1) So when Trump bring backs the jobs that Obama said weren't coming back, Obama gets credit? When Trump gets growth numbers Obama and other democrats mocked and said were impossible, Obama gets credit? If Obama's policies were so good and just took a long time to kick in why was Obama saying Trump didn't have a magic wand to deliver instead of claiming those results would of course happen and would be due to his (Obama's) policies taking hold?

BTW, where's the huge economic collapse all the same "experts" predicted if Trump was elected?

2) Trump's hyperbole about unimportant things doesn't affect me. His statements about crowd size don't affect me or anyone else. Obama lying about "If you like your Dr. you can keep your Dr." actually affects and hurts people.

3) There's no evidence at the Russians affected the outcome of any election. No votes were changed. The justice department (Rod Rosenstein) even said so. If you think that spending a few hundred thousand dollars on fakebook ads to stir up dissent affects elections I'm not sure what to say. 2.4 billion dollars was spent on the presidential election, but somehow the 0.0000083% made all the difference. Those Russians must be magicians and need to start a PR firm with results like that. :ROFLMAO:

4) What imaginary crimes have you conjured up? Be specific...


Storage is cool
Jan 21, 2002
on the floor
Nah it's fine, the impeachment has been long overdue. I'm actually impressed he's made it this long. It would be interesting to actually chat about it. This divide is pretty normal amongst conservatives and far right supporters and they live in their own reality it seems.
It could be argued that until Pelosi actually sends the articles of impeachment to the Senate for trial, the President hasn't yet been impeached.


Not really a
Jan 22, 2002
I should apologize. I made a math error. The Russians buying fakebook ads spent 0.0083% of the total money spent on the Presidential election. Not the 0.0000083% I originally stated. That's must be why it was so effective. Tom Steyer needs to hire them since he apparently can't buy any votes with his billions but these guys swayed an entire election with less than $200k by running ads that that took all sides of every issue to stir the pot.


Jan 13, 2002
I should apologize. I made a math error. The Russians buying fakebook ads spent 0.0083% of the total money spent on the Presidential election. Not the 0.0000083% I originally stated. That's must be why it was so effective. Tom Steyer needs to hire them since he apparently can't buy any votes with his billions but these guys swayed an entire election with less than $200k by running ads that that took all sides of every issue to stir the pot.

You haven't addressed anything I mentioned and continue to try to suggest I'm wrong through your typical passive aggressive and sarcastic means of debate. At least I can have a conversation with JTR, DB, and Chewy on this even if we don't agree.

Aside from your brackish discussion syle, you dismiss his thousands of false claims in only referencing his crowd size false claim yet skipping the larger ones like literally being quoted on record for making racist remarks, then somehow try to defer back to Obama like there's even a hint of equivalency. You, like him, seems to have some kind of hard-on for damning a former president to justify the questionably retarded current sitting president. Yes, I'm being judgemental because his actions really bring into question his mental fitness for such a highly held political position. The bumbling mess that comes out of his breath hole is tragic and concerning. Whatever is happening is getting worse.

I don't have enough storage space in this hosting container to post all the idiotic events, statements, and false claims he's made during the time he's been president. You somehow like to think those kinds of statements about crowd size don't affect you or anyone else...what an ignorant viewpoint. They affect lots of people. Something so seemingly petty about a sitting president arguing on an inauguration turnout is enormously telling as trait and continues to turn up in most of his interactions with everything he does. Why is he arguing and bullying a teenage girl? Like seriously? Our president feels threatened by Greta to the point he has to lash out on fragile and pathetic. I don't care if you agree or disagree with anything surrounding immature for a grown adult. That's only the tip of his iceberg for idiotic and petty things to waste time over. They're all distractions for the real problems he's making.

Next, you're rambling on about quotes and concerns of economic collapse...I never argued that and don't see your point. Ok whatever.

Yay, go you on converting a sum of money into a tiny percentage only to misdirect that any involvement is a concern that needs further consideration into everything else going on. So...why was the president's personal lawyer covering up paying off a porn star with hush money and lying about it...and why was his next personal lawyer going to Ukraine to only search for corruption on his primary political candidate? His. Personal. Lawyer. Then he holds up aid to Ukraine until they attempted to dig up dirt? Shall I keep posting more of these kinds of shady fuckery the president is involved in or will you just continue to say it's not true? How about all the people associated with him...Cohen, Mannafort, Flynn, Papadopolous, Stone, Kilimnik, Patten, Gates...I mean seriously WTF. Do you want to go on and say the Mueller report was a witch-hunt too? If I'm not mistaken it actually made more than it cost to investigate.

The only truth that hurts are diehard trump supporters like yourself who can't see how terrible he is for the country and really can't defend him in any real way other than to just point at Obama or Hillary. I didn't want Hillary either, and definitely not Trump.

Most importantly there's no meaningful conversation that can be had because you'll assume I'm a liberal and/or Democrat and dismiss my dislike to your love affairs with trump. I can't help to wonder if you are willing to overlook how he's such a misogynistic, racist, narcissist and what that means about you. Basically as long as the economy is good and you're getting money, who've been bought and everything else just normalized his shitty behavior. Trump has shown you the type of person he is and him being misogynistic, racist, and narcissistic are all documented by his own words and actions. I could post tons of links, references, his own spoken words...and you'll just tell me how bad Obama is/was or maybe something about Hillary to distract from the current mess.

The economy may be ok now, but we're paying for it. I'm paying more for products because of his stupid trade wars and so are millions of people. Why the hell are all of us paying billions for an idiotic wall so trump can check off a box for his campaign point to his base...that and I thought Mexico would pay for it anyway. How did the wall work out for Berlin...or historically anyone who thought that a wall was a good way to spend resources to separate people? Sure why not shut down our government to spend billions on a wall. He could of spent it on fixing Obama Care or anything else more meaningful.

Regardless of all that, we really should be trying to find a political leader who will get money out of politics so they can't be bought. Then we can work towards solving meaningful issues rather than be distracted with this nonsense.


Not really a
Jan 22, 2002
...I can't help to wonder if you are willing to overlook how he's such a misogynistic, racist, narcissist and what that means about you. Basically as long as the economy is good and you're getting money, who've been bought and everything else just normalized his shitty behavior. Trump has shown you the type of person he is and him being misogynistic, racist, and narcissistic are all documented by his own words and actions. I could post tons of links, references, his own spoken words...and you'll just tell me how bad Obama is/was or maybe something about Hillary to distract from the current mess...
All baseless lies and smears, but here is the crux of the issue and why a discussion can't be had. Lefties, like yourself, think conservatives are bad people with ideas. Conservatives think lefties, like yourself, are people with bad ideas. The two sides have nothing in common anymore.

When you think the other side are "bad people" there's pretty much nothing that isn't justified in trying to stop them. Like illegally spying on them, weaponizing the bureaucracy against them, or resorting to violence.
Last edited:


Jan 13, 2002
And here is the crux of the issue and why a discussion can't be had. Lefties, like yourself, think conservatives are bad people with ideas. Conservatives think lefties, like yourself, are people with bad ideas.

People with continued bad actions are bad people regardless of their political alignment. That's not a typical left or right thing. Support for a racist/misogynist/corrupt president shouldn't be a left/right issue unless you are far/alt-right white nationalist.

I have family and friends who are conservatives who I do not think are bad people even if we don't agree on ideas. Disagreements on left or right ideas can be mutually exclusive from supporting a corrupt president. It's not his ideas that I think are bad, it's his actions. Being in dislike or disagreement with the current conservative president also does not absolve left/democratic poor policy and actions either. My points are never to say the democratic party has ever been perfect or ideal. They need reform also.


Jan 13, 2002
To further clarify against your point. I don't think all conservatives are bad people with ideas. I strongly think Trump in this discussion is a bad person who happens to be conservative.


Florida Man
Nov 20, 2013
Eglin AFB Area
My views trend along the "everyone is corrupt and we need to reset everything" line. My own politics tend to be moderately liberal, but everyone currently in Washington is either crazy or bought and paid for. I try not to talk politics because I'm either considered a bleeding heart liberal who hates America or just young and stupid who'll eventually come around.

Personally I consider the impeachment fiasco to be a massive waste of time and taxpayer money, much like most of what goes on in DC these days. The Senate would never have the votes to remove him from office and if the House were going to do it they should have done it ages ago.

In other news I have upgraded my main machine's mouse and keyboard. Technically in terms of features the G502 I had outshines the Pro Intellimouse I replaced it with, but the Intellimouse fits my hand much better and as a result is much more comfortable. I think the microcontroller in my G710 was dying or something so I took the opportunity to go for something I wanted for a while: a modular board with Kailh BOX Navy switches. In the name of staying within budget I got a GMMK TKL barebones kit, a set of 90 switches off of NovelKeys, and generic HyperX translucent-sided double-shot PBT keycaps. Of all of them I'm less than totally impressed with the GMMK's software, which has a notable inability to configure Fn+F* hotkeys and a lackluster macro editor, and the keycaps are somewhat poorly aligned and I'd honestly have liked SA keycaps much better (but they blew my budget into the water). Overall though, I'm very happy with these compromises. Oh, and Microsoft's software sucks too. I wanted to configure the Back/Forward buttons (which I never use with their default settings) to instead call Ctrl-PrtScr and Alt-PrtScr respectively as I use ShareX, and MS's software just can't capture the PrtScn key to save its life. I ended up using the MS software to set the DPI (5000) and taillight color and then X Mouse Button Control, which I had prior experience with, to set the button actions.


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jul 5, 2007
^^^ Nice upgrades Sed. But I must say, if your keyboard wasn't manufactured in the early 1980's with buckling spring switches, it's not a real keyboard. My "modern" Unicomp comes kinda close with it's buckling springs, but it's not quite perfect. ;)


Florida Man
Nov 20, 2013
Eglin AFB Area
Oh, I'd just love a Model F or a real Model M (I have one, but it's the mid-90's rubber dome version) but for half the cost of one of those beasts on ebay I built myself a nice board that I like a lot and can tinker with when I get bored.

I'd characterize the BOX Navies as being much, much heavier than an MX Blue (which I consider a good thing, being that I'm fairly heavy-handed), but also much more tactile and in general more pleasant. Really, once you go to something with a clickbar, clickjacket designs feel like trash... because they are.


Jan 13, 2002
Not yet, it's on my list. I enjoyed everything else so far in seasons 1-3. I'm finishing up Mr. Robot, Watchmen, and Mandalorian.


Jan 13, 2002
I'm only midway through season 1... Have S1 and S2 on DVD....

I could send you an invite to my Plex server if you want to try and stream them. I have all four seasons available in 1080P. I don't know what your internet bandwidth is like or how it might be across the globe but we can give it a try if you want?


Wotty wot wot.
Nov 8, 2006
Gold Coast Hinterland, Australia
DVD? Oh boy are you missing out on the imagery of the show.
I sure I am, but when my wife purchased them, the BR versions were double the price and hard to find, where the DVD versions were everywhere and often on sale.

Just finished the last 4 episodes of S1, excellent story so far. Does anyone know how closely they follow the books?

The mars combat uniforms remind my of the uniforms from the Starship Troopers 4 and 5 movies. (the anime ones).


Not really a
Jan 22, 2002
I watched the first 3 seasons on SyFy, so less than stellar 1080. I watched Season 4 in UHD HDR via Amazon.

Does anyone know how closely they follow the books?
I haven't read them, but the general consensus seems to be that they follow fairly closely.


Jan 13, 2002
I did! I watched the last two episodes and thought it ended great. One of my favorite all-time shows. I just started into Expanse Season 4 and it's enjoyable so far.


Not really a
Jan 22, 2002
I did! I watched the last two episodes and thought it ended great. One of my favorite all-time shows.
I'm sort of undecided on the ending of Mr. Robot. It's not a spectacular disappointment like LOST, but I'm not sure I thought the ending was good either.
I'm not real down with the idea that the viewer was misled to for about 43 episodes with effectively no hints that the Elliot we knew for the duration of the show was just another personality like Mr. Robot. Sure, they threw in a few snippets from earlier seasons to sort of back up the idea that Elliot wasn't himself, but those were throwaway lines that could have meant anything and had no significance or noteworthiness at the time. It felt like a last minute series retcon, not a planned from the beginning reveal. Why didn't Elliot's hacker persona know what happened to Elliot in the past? Mr. Robot generally seemed away of what "hacker" Elliot did (except when it wasn't convenient to the plot for him to be aware), but Mr. Robot was able able to do things that "hacker" Elliot didn't know about. I'm not certain they followed consistent rules here in what each identity knew, didn't know, could hide from others, etc.

Additionally, they did LOST us a bit with some plot MacGuffins. Like Whiterose's machine. It's not quite the smoke monster of Mr. Robot, but it sort of is. Or, how Whiterose kills himself, but leaves Elliot a way to shut down the machine after going through all that to get to the moment of using it.
I just started into Expanse Season 4 and it's enjoyable so far.
I thought Season 4 was a bit of a slog. It's good, but it's seems a bit longer than it needed to be and it feels a bit like a long setup to the next season where things take off (speculating).


Jan 13, 2002
I'm sort of undecided on the ending of Mr. Robot. It's not a spectacular disappointment like LOST, but I'm not sure I thought the ending was good either.
I'm not real down with the idea that the viewer was misled to for about 43 episodes with effectively no hints that the Elliot we knew for the duration of the show was just another personality like Mr. Robot. Sure, they threw in a few snippets from earlier seasons to sort of back up the idea that Elliot wasn't himself, but those were throwaway lines that could have meant anything and had no significance or noteworthiness at the time. It felt like a last minute series retcon, not a planned from the beginning reveal. Why didn't Elliot's hacker persona know what happened to Elliot in the past? Mr. Robot generally seemed away of what "hacker" Elliot did (except when it wasn't convenient to the plot for him to be aware), but Mr. Robot was able able to do things that "hacker" Elliot didn't know about. I'm not certain they followed consistent rules here in what each identity knew, didn't know, could hide from others, etc.

Additionally, they did LOST us a bit with some plot MacGuffins. Like Whiterose's machine. It's not quite the smoke monster of Mr. Robot, but it sort of is. Or, how Whiterose kills himself, but leaves Elliot a way to shut down the machine after going through all that to get to the moment of using it.

I thought Season 4 was a bit of a slog. It's good, but it's seems a bit longer than it needed to be and it feels a bit like a long setup to the next season where things take off (speculating).

I thought the series ended great and I was not disappointed with Mr. Robot as much as I was with Lost.

I never felt mislead with this story, in fact is was a slow progression getting to the point of revealing the final identity. I knew early on that the writing was doing a very good job of portraying mental health problems on a significant order. This show does a fantastic job in representing a person with DiD and other mental health issues. At the very end when the family of personalities were sitting in the movie theater watching the true Elliot is actually something a person with DiD might describe...that being a viewer to one's persona like watching a movie and having no control over the outcome. The fact that there were multiple personalities are real and true to life in kids that are victims of such abuse that was portrayed in his story. This build up didn't feel like it was a revision or alteration to the core concept and it wasn't deciding a new fate for the show.
I can't really come up with a reason why Elliot's hacker persona didn't know what happened in the past but that wouldn't be far-fetched for a person with traumatic abuse to not have a recollection between the identities.

I agree with the Whiterose's machine being a bit too mysterious and useless in the plot. I don't think it's anywhere close to the smoke monster as I don't recall it being introduced from the very beginning like the smoke monster was. The whole interaction with this machine was a bit contrived so I'll definitely agree there. That didn't detract from the overall plot of the show even though it was made to be some kind of final boss.

Mr. Robot isn't perfect; no show really is. However, the sum of all the great parts really left me with a sense of what a great show Sam Esmail put together. Rami did a fantastic job acting his parts as did all the other actors. I thought the filming style was done well along with good use of music and spatial sound to fill it all in setting the moods.


Jan 13, 2002
I know politics discussions is not easy here, but in all seriousness, what the hell is with Trump starting shit with Iran provoking a conflict and then threatening 52 cultural and significant sites? We do not want another war.