Recent content by slo crostic

  1. S

    Power Efficiencies - batteries, wall warts etc.

    Hardly surprising seeing as they paid for his political campaign.
  2. S

    How do people meet people?

    If you go out expecting to have a bad time there's only one thing that's certain ... you won't have a good time.
  3. S

    Online IQ test

    Congratulations, Darren! Your IQ score is 131 We also compared your answers with others who have taken the test, and according to the sorts of questions you got correct, we can tell your Intellectual Type is a Precision Processor. This means you're exceptionally good at discovering quick...
  4. S

    How do people meet people?

    I'm sure it truly is an amazing story merc, and you seem to be in a real state of loss over her, but there are other stories out there, maybe not quite so amazing but enjoyable nonetheless, and they are just waiting for the starring character to come along (i.e. you). All said and done, I don't...
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    Tea, the "something red" stuff is actually made from turnips. A friend of my mum's worked in a bakery and all they do is boil up a big pot of turnips once a month or so, add a heap of sugar, artificial flavours and colours and voila!!! red stuff
  6. S

    How do people meet people?

    How do you know this person is the one person you care most about? Have you already met everyone in the real world?
  7. S


    here here! mayonnaise is the only thing to put on chips. or maybe just a splash of vinegar. i always used to love the pineapple glaze donuts from 7eleven etc... but find them a bit too sweet nowadays. the best donuts in Australia come form the donut vans on the side of the road. fresh, hot and...
  8. S

    How do people meet people?

    I think you need a little change in your life. Try doing at least one thing a little bit differently each day. It doesn't have to be anything big, just a small change. If you normally drive to the shops, walk instead one day. Something as simple as this can give you a different perspective on...
  9. S

    How do people meet people?

    What type of music did you play? Jazz? Blues? Classical? It's obvious you don't like playing anymore, but do you still like the music? If so, why don't you get out to some clubs where people with similar tastes gather and get down to some diggin' tunes with them. Never know, you may meet someone...
  10. S

    Mars to Get Closer than Ever in Recorded History in 2003

    It was quite excitning to see Mars up close although i had imagined it to be larger than it was through a good telescope. We did get a good look at the polar cap and the canyon. I was also quite surprised of its colour. I would have thought a telescope could bring up the redness of the planet...
  11. S

    How do people meet people?

    Sounds to me like you need to dedicate some time to stop and smell the flowers. 90+ hours of work a week is ridiculous, isn't there something you'd rather be doing? Look back at the things you used to enjoy and take them back up as hobbies. Who knows, you may even meet someone with similar...
  12. S

    Iraqi crisis explained...

    It's about time someone brought up the lack of WMDs point, and it's about time George and his 'coalition of the willing' answered some questions. In my eyes if it is proven true that there never were WMDs in Iraq the US should be forced to answer to the UN for their actions, and immediately...
  13. S

    Best movie you've seen

    Another film I just thought of is Go To Hell. A fairly obscure Australian animation movie about a mad scientist travelling through space with a collection of genetic material from earth. He and his son are cryogenically frozen for years at a time while the ship is run by generation after...
  14. S

    Recommendations on good books to read

    Thanks for the recommendation time, I'll see if I can hunt it down.
  15. S

    Recommendations on good books to read

    Just finished reading Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and it is the best book I have ever read. The whole concept of babies gestating in bottles and then being conditioned to suit a particular role in life is mind-boggling. Most of the ideas portrayed in this novel could never be reality but...