Trolling 101 My new book


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
Something I put together after hanging around ARS for awhile:

"First lesson in trolling:
You didn't provide a link.
Prove it
personal insult
attack spelling and grammar,
use above so you don't have to deal with any valid issues raised.
Complain about the width of the posters comments,
of which he has recently been harassed for being to short, which evokes a jolly go f....ys on
this one. Wrap is not the posters problem."

8th Your threads suck.
9th You aren't funny.

Credit to RQE:
10th make fun of stupid idiotic names, like RQE
11th attack sexuality or
12th attack organ size

attack and belittle youth, and stupidity.
attack the "I fucking know everything, and you don't know anything" simplistic idiotic
responses from snot nosed little brats that haven't lived as much in their 26 years as you
did in 6 months.
You forgot the classic Baldrickian maneuver,

Argue with an industry expert on something you know nothing about and keep the
argument alive as long as possible. Stick to your guns on any point no matter how badly the
facts stack against you and see how riled up you can get the expert.

That is classic LB
Perhaps The Chris Cox award?
I thought the one rule, above all else, was to let one little suggestion (whether correct or
incorrect) totally ruin your online life, driving you to chase after the person who made the
suggestion and hound them with advice on the subject in question, never giving up, until
If anyone says anything contrary to "Windows is God, or Mac is God" depending on your
sexual persuasion,
then you follow them into all forums, making degrading, snide remarks, about their posts,
regardless if the content is any good.

18 The Paul Hill False Dilemma. You obscure the issue by going from a generality, to a
specific case, that is inapplicable to the real topic at hand, but it's close enough, that if you
go after it, he's got you.
19 the philma it's being unoriginal, following the above guidelines, and not very well, with
an emphasis on personal attacks. The one bright spot is quotes taken out of context from
brilliant men, that appear to make him look like he knows something.
Thanks to AYB:

1) Making undefendable claims
2) when confronted by such claims does the following
a) dodge the question repeatedly
b) make up implications against yourself using a perversion of other people's words, red-
herring style

"defend yourself against those points you've practically made up yourself, tell those people they
are fucktards for "saying" such.
d) accuse others of advocacy when no such thing is happening.
e) start the swearing and personal attacks, accuse others of doing so first.
f) repeat until no one else responds.
3) Now, you can rest assured that you *Won* and no one dare oppose your *intellect*
20 "leave it to us experts, you don't know anything.", Common from Nerd-software computer

21 thanks to Magus
"You forgot creative memory, where you make a point, get smacked down, then agree with them, pretending you originally did so. Attack them for "needlessly" attacking an agreeing poster."

22: The socratic-sicilian legal troll
combined with the turkey troll.

You take pieces of the different cases, that cross reference each other, and post them.

Most MSFT trolls don't have the patience to really read the doj fact finding in the cases, and, if they did, they wouldn't be able to understand most of it anyway, or admit it, either. So, you use little bits, with little tags at the end, that are designed to bring in comments, so that you can crucify the comments, with the following quote, from either of the two cases, that firmly stuffs it up msfts' ass...

23 Turkey troll
"I'm tired. Going to bed. Wait until tomorrow, and then I'll go over the information, and post it."

"We are still waiting."
How do you keep a turkey in suspense? Tell you tomorrow;-)

24 legal, or professional troll

You take a thread, started by an asshole you don't like, who's crapped on one of your better threads, and turn his thread into a discussion of legal principals he's completely clueless about. For fun, you use, improperly, some concept in law, in latin preferably, and see if they catch it.

If he does, you turn it around, and point out
he might actually listen to his alleged uncles', who are supposed to be judges.

25 'The treatment' compliments of Remedy

I have also noticed another master of trolldem, treatment:

When grasping for straws to attack another person, always argue semantics. Misreading a sentence or statement is always acceptable for ammo in an attack. Even when you have been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be incorrect, keep arguing as if somehow the original statement in which questioned, will magically change to support your weak viewpoint.

This is known as the treatment treatment:


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
All those "keep arguing even when you've been proven wrong beyond the shadow of a doubt" points makes me wonder if you borrowed the book from PW.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
Most of this came out of ARS.

This guy, Jeremy Reimer, Lord Baldrick, did something like 6000 posts, arguing with Chris Cox. He knew just enough to create an argument, but really didn't know what the hell he was talking about. His goal was to see how long he could engage the guy, and perhaps learn a bit about Photoshop in the process, IIRC.

I also found it very helpful for dispensing early on with the juvenille trolls.



Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
I can't believe how many posts some of those people at AR have. The highest I saw, without looking too hard, was over 14000. In not much more than three years. Don't these people have a life?


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
Yes. One of the winlots, PeterB, now a moderator, must be somewhere up there by now. I think they are somehow tied in, business wise, to ars.

Never asked, but it seems to be a worldwide group, pretty much windows developers.

Guy knows his stuff, but he whined his way into being a moderator of the Battlefront.



Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
Both Continuum and PeterB are well beyond 25000 in their posts count. ...Just checked and PeterB now has more than 29000. Poor guy is mad.