Travelstar 7k320 ships(soon)$220?


Wannabe Storage Freak
Sep 20, 2006
Going to be difficult to justify a Super Talent 120GB SSD @$699, when you can get in excess of 2.5x storage capacity, for less than 1/2 that price in the new Travelstar 7k320 (which is back down to normal levels of power consumption, 25% less than the prior 7k200 of one year ago).

Hitachi unveils 2.5-in. 320GB notebook hard drive

The device can run applications 12% faster than the Travelstar 7200 model it is replacing, said Larry Sweezey, director of consumer and commercial hard disk drives at the San Jose-based subsidiary of Hitachi Ltd. The new mobile hard drive costs $220 and will ship before the end of the month, the company said.

inner zone decay rate min. transfers should beat the ST 120GB, perhaps handily, as the older 7k200 hit 40Mbs with much lower areal density platters.,1

Of course as Eugene sez:

It is important to remember that access time and transfer rate measurements are mostly diagnostic in nature and not really measurements of "performance" per se... blah, blah, blah


Xmas '97
Jan 15, 2002
Salem, Or
Breathing and heart beat measurements are mostly diagnostic in nature and do not necessarily prove a human is alive, but it sure does correlate well.


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
I have already been using a 320GB drive for several months, so there is little interest. When will we see a 500GB 5400 RPM drive? The 25MB raw files are killing me.


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
I guess that should be closer to 30MB files. 173 GB were consumed in less than a week. What can one do but carry a pile of five 320GB drives for a 3-weeker? Bring on the 500GB drives!


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
I guess that should be closer to 30MB files. 173 GB were consumed in less than a week. What can one do but carry a pile of five 320GB drives for a 3-weeker? Bring on the 500GB drives!

That is a lot of pictures. I've been here about a week, and I've only burned through 28GB. Even if my files were the same size as yours, I would only have about 68GB worth.


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
What is that with, a 40D? My files are averaging 28MB at ISO 100 and rather more at higher ISOs. I try to maintain ISO 100 whenever possible though.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
A 20D (though I sense a 40D is in my near future).

I'm taking Tony's advice and keeping it at 400ISO or under. I'm not running around Moscow with a tripod, so faster exposures are a must. I'm really looking forward to getting a good light tripod and working with longer exposures.


Wannabe Storage Freak
Sep 20, 2006
I guess that should be closer to 30MB files. 173 GB were consumed in less than a week. What can one do but carry a pile of five 320GB drives for a 3-weeker? Bring on the 500GB drives!

Now it is the end of June. :blue:

Listed in stock here:

Got $320?

Or $279? World Computing/HM500JIMU2/

ZipZoomfly has it out of stock and listed @$299.

the Hitachi 7k320 is also now available for those who want faster transfers/backups/I/O

see sloooow, 500GB M6, will be compared to the new 7k320, as the 7k200 is already substantially faster in STR compared to the M6 500:,675.html


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
I have been using the WD 320GB 5400 RPM drive for months now. The Samsung 500GB M6 has higher average STR than that. The chart does not show the max, but the Samsung should be similar or in the mid-70 MB/sec. range if the WD drive is proportional. Either is fine for practical use. I suppose that users having only a notebook computer and/or using one of the luggable high-end 17-19" kiddie notebooks running Vista would benefit more.

I view a notebook as a travel tool to store/view images and occasionally check the internet. The Samsung will definitely perform better than the 7K320 when there are 450 GB of data on the drive. :) It will be interesting to see when there will be higher density platters in 5400 RPM drives, e.g., 500GB in only 2 platters or 750GB in 3 platters. However, one can only use currently available equipment. Vaporware is of zero value and measurebating is often a waste of time that does not generate higher profits.


Wannabe Storage Freak
Sep 20, 2006
I have been using the WD 320GB 5400 RPM drive for months now. The Samsung 500GB M6 has higher average STR than that. The chart does not show the max, but the Samsung should be similar or in the mid-70 MB/sec. range if the WD drive is proportional. Either is fine for practical use. I suppose that users having only a notebook computer and/or using one of the luggable high-end 17-19" kiddie notebooks running Vista would benefit more.

I view a notebook as a travel tool to store/view images and occasionally check the internet. The Samsung will definitely perform better than the 7K320 when there are 450 GB of data on the drive. :) It will be interesting to see when there will be higher density platters in 5400 RPM drives, e.g., 500GB in only 2 platters or 750GB in 3 platters. However, one can only use currently available equipment. Vaporware is of zero value and measurebating is often a waste of time that does not generate higher profits.

Depends on what kind of work you do to generate higher profits. Until the faster, larger capacity SSD's become available, I assure you LM, *professionals* that you seem to be unaware of, use MacBookPro 17in notebooks on a regular basis, ain't no kiddie book to them, it's serious business. Somethings just work faster when your choice of weapons is a notebook and you need that extra boost a 7.2k rpm drive gives you. Peak transfer rates don't matter that much unless your unused, just formated HD is only partially filled. Aver. rates are a more reliable measure of what you could expect to see. But then again, if the 320GB drive fills up to near capacity, the 500GB drive would out perform it at the same capacity, and still have room for more. Professionals know this, and if they do need that max STR, for say *important* rendering activities of compressed HD video on their MBP, then they keep track of how filled a 320GB drive is so they don't run into those *critical* performance hits.

If you as a professional really need massive amounts of storage, then you'd have a 1TB 3.5in drive or several in a portable format. Time is money, given the appropriate user, there are many who will jump at the chance to upgrade from those WD320GB 5.4k rpm drives to go for the Hitachi 7k320's. In your case, you feel you need more storage than you need peak performance...but begs the question, what did you do before the 320GB drives, some how you managed with even smaller capacity drives before that?

So now you have the Samsung M6 500GB drives available, are you buying them today? Been waiting all this time in seeming agony ;) , would have though you'd jump at the chance, 1st time you saw them, regardless of the fact the price will surely drop over time, even a few months from now...but you've been implying that there is a great need for your own needs to get a 500GB ASAP, so the price shouldn't be a hinderance right now, correct?


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
If I were in need of massive, fast, portable storage; I would be taking a close look at this. A Pair of 500GB 2.5" drives in RAID-0 connected by USB 2.0. Very sexy indeed.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
After working with SSDs, I have no doubt that the primary hard drive of my next laptop will be one. So unless the laptop supports 2 internal drives, there will be an external along for the ride on photo trips (and which trips aren't photo trips ;)).


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
A Pair of 500GB 2.5" drives in RAID-0 connected by USB 2.0. Very sexy indeed.

Why would you bother with RAID0 over USB2.0? Even a pokey notebook drive shouldn't have any problem saturating 25MB/sec.

I like having an SSD in my Thinkpad but most of the time it's not a life-altering difference for the sorts of things I do on that machine. I'm far more curious about desktop performance, but not enough to justify $800 or $1200 worth of 32GB drives that will probably be $300 worth by this time next year.


Wannabe Storage Freak
Sep 20, 2006
Why would you bother with RAID0 over USB2.0? Even a pokey notebook drive shouldn't have any problem saturating 25MB/sec.

I like having an SSD in my Thinkpad but most of the time it's not a life-altering difference for the sorts of things I do on that machine. I'm far more curious about desktop performance, but not enough to justify $800 or $1200 worth of 32GB drives that will probably be $300 worth by this time next year.

Umm, well Merc, on some Mac computers the max RW saturation might be that slow, but typically on the PC side, you're over 30+MB/s. FW800 on MacbookPro's is of course faster still, and with a drive supplying it's own power, the ExpressCard slot options will get you ~150MB/s (it's on that you can't get the full bandwidth of the SATA specs due to Intel chipset).

Say Merc take a look further down in the forum, SSD's 64GB and larger will be below the price points you are mentioning that a 32GB drive would cost you. But the 32GB *you* are probably refering to will not get you much of an improvement in overall desktop experience, true. Come next year, after intro of Samsung's 256GB MLC SSD which is said to do 200MB/s reads, then you'll see some more interesting boost in you lappy experience...will take to the end of the year I expect, before 256GB drives get down to the $1.2k mark (doesn't mean you couldn't find a 128GB for 1/2 that by then with similar performance specs).

Hmm, LM should do a Google search on the Red One camera, what is revolutionizing the pro & Indie video & movie making industry...along with keyword MacbookPro :).

We decided to shoot 2K because being our first job we wanted to ensure we had enough media to last. Turns out we only used one 8 gb card out of five we have. It was on and off shooting from 8 am to about 1:30 pm and one battery was all we used.
The only noticeable change on location was the weight of the RED. Once loaded up with a battery, lcd, support rails, etc. it's a pretty hefty piece of equipment. I will say it appears to be built like a tank.
The wonderful thing about shooting RAW is the true power you have in post. The overcast conditions helped diffuse shadows but did nothing for color. Using RED ALERT I pulled the clips in to my MacBook Pro. Wow, how cool it was to add some color and life to a otherwise overcast day. Shots at a local park and beautiful Pensacola Beach just popped after some tweaking. All without degrading the image.

Oh look, even silly professional medium format Germany company a few pros use...Hasselblad, comes out with Mac ver. of their software 1st, now why would they do that for a "kiddie" laptop? Those kiddie's and their toy MBP 17in notebooks :eek3:

Together, the Hasselblad Phocus software and Hasselblad H3DII provide the world’s most powerful image processing system from lens to laptop.
Hasselblad today announces the launch of a new generation of raw processor, workflow and camera control software, Phocus version 1.0 for Mac. The outstanding combination of the world’s most advanced DSLR - the Hasselblad H3DII - which already produces the sharpest, most detailed images at the highest resolution, and the innovative Phocus software, enables photographers to achieve unsurpassed image quality...
Hasselblad also plans to issue a Phocus version for Windows in Q3 of 2008. Phocus comes free of charge with all Hasselblad digital camera products.

CineWave and Ocean Video Help Perfect the Action in Matrix Reloaded

May 16 2003

Ocean Video's Brainstorm solution uses a mobile Pinnacle CineWave, with Apple's Final Cut Pro, on a movie set to provide directors with immediate feedback for their live action shots, increasing efficiency, improving continuity and reducing the number of takes required to complete scenes.

"Action scenes like those in the Matrix Reloaded are very serious business and are both costly and challenging," said Jeb Johenning, partner, Ocean Video. "Using our CineWave RT Pro system we enabled the directors to preview exactly what the final shot would look like before they got to real shooting. This enables them to reach critical decisions more quickly and complete their shots in fewer takes."

Ocean Video participated in the production of the movie's pivotal action scene, which took nearly two months to shoot and features numerous consecutive complex sequences. During production, Ocean Video transmitted live video directly from the film camera to a mobile CineWave system powered by an Apple Titanium PowerBook.

The very 1st, very slow by today's standards, Aluminum 17in Apple PB; was used by bi-coastal editors working from home, of the TV Series "Scrubs" (kind of dumb comedy, but heh, it's big business)...both where at the 2003 Dec. Final Cut Pro usergroup LA meeting to talk about the experience, just barely making the edits in time each week, a day before the show needed to be finished and sent off to the network for transfer to affiliate stations across the country via satellite transmission. If those same editors were working on the final season of the show, I'll bet they have upgraded to the latest 'kiddie' MBP 17in models :p


Wannabe Storage Freak
Sep 20, 2006

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]December 23rd, 2006 (Corrected) -- ExpressCard SATA bandwidth woes -- [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]A reader wrote me about his frustration when connecting a four drive Port-Multiplication (PM) enclosure to an ExpressCard/34 SATA adapter installed on his MacBook Pro. Four drive RAID 0 benchmarked at 120MB/s. That was only slightly faster than two drives (90MB/s). [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Though the theoretical bandwidth of an ExpressCard is 256MB/s, the current speed limit of all ExpressCards is about HALF of that when used with a RAID set no matter how many drives are connected. This is due to the fact that all current ExpressCard products use the Silicon Image 3132 chip set and, for some reason, that's as fast as it can go. Actually, the same is true of when the 3132 chipset is used in a PCIe SATA host adapter for the Mac Pro.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We ran a five bay PM enclosure (filled with Hitachi 7K500s) on our Mac Pro with a using the Sonnet E4P host adapter (based on a Marvell chipset). We got 240MB/s READ, 216MB/s WRITE. We moved the same enclosure to a MacBook Pro with an ExpressCard SATA host adapter (based on the Silicon Image 3132 chipset): 125MB/s READ, 111MB/s WRITE. Hopefully future improvements in the chipset and/or firmware will overcome this speed limit and MacBook Pro owners can experience true joy when they connect a four or five drive array to their ExpressCard.[/FONT]
Almost 2yrs later, would hope this limitation (guess it's not Intel's fault here, I just like to blame them for everything ;) ) has been overcome.

Could get a dual channel Expresscard like this if you need more speed, but AC is almost a necessity for any SATA solution.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]SHOOTOUT:
Portable SATA Notebook Fusion F2 vs LBD Quadra

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]OTHER THOUGHTS
One professional video editor wrote us that he had trouble with dropped frames when using various FireWire 800 solutions to capture high quality video. The Fusion F2 solved his problem. However, his situation has become more complex. Some of the newest capture hardware uses the ExpressCard slot. It's almost like you need either two ExpressCard slots on the Macbook Pro or a built-in SATA port.
[/FONT]...[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]BIGGER NOTEBOOK DRIVES COMING
Both Hitachi and Samsung will be offering a 500GB 5400rpm notebook drive. And Hitachi is will offer 7200rpm notebook drives with larger capacity than the current 200GB model. We will certainly be obtaining samples of each and report on the performance in the days to come.
Nice the Sonnet site description, with pictures of Mac notebooks, says the device is platform independent, you can use it on Windows, or, but what notebook other than the Mac's have 6pin powered FW ports? And the MBP 17in has been dumbed down in it's Intel version, doesn't supply enough power to do bus powered devices like a dual raid or external 3.5in drive enclosure

Dropped frames using what drive(s)^^^? Is it the FW800 limitation or the drive limitation that would be responsible?

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]SHOOTOUT:
Highest Capacity Notebook Drives on Bus Power FireWire 800
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]CONCLUSION
The new large capacity 5K notebook drives are just as fast as the "limited" capacity 7K notebook drives. There's something to be said for "density."
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]FireWire 800 is beautiful. We're a big fan of using FireWire notebook enclosures to expand the storage of our Mac. They require only bus power, can boot OS X, and fit in the side pocket of my notebook sleeve. [/FONT]
Which is why the 7k320 Hitachi should outperform them all, lol, albeit by only 12% or so...measurebating like LM says (though for a professional like the editor noted above, that extra performance of the 7k320 might be the difference between dropped frames or not!)

Like I said before, why doesn't LM just get a portable 1TB 3.5in drive solution? Could carry around one of these below and swap bare 1TB drives, make your own protective "case" for the bare drive, almost as slim/small as a 2.5in drive in 'commercial' enclosure.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
uda posted twice after me.

uda, you're on my ignore list. I can't stand you. Please direct your typing at someone else. Preferably someplace else on the internet. I'm thinking you'd fit right in with all the furry porn cretins on 4chan.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 12, 2002
Twilight Zone
uda posted twice after me.

uda, you're on my ignore list. I can't stand you. Please direct your typing at someone else. Preferably someplace else on the internet. I'm thinking you'd fit right in with all the furry porn cretins on 4chan.




Xmas '97
Jan 15, 2002
Salem, Or
uda posted twice after me.

uda, you're on my ignore list. I can't stand you. Please direct your typing at someone else. Preferably someplace else on the internet. I'm thinking you'd fit right in with all the furry porn cretins on 4chan.

You'll never get a date approaching women in that way.:jokecolor: