Matrix reloaded?


Storage is cool
Jan 24, 2002
Sydney, Australia
Went to see it on Friday. I was disappointed by the first 20mins or so, but the rest of the movie was even more of a rollercoaster ride than the first one - very exciting.

Overall not as good as the first but still pretty good.

Jake the Dog

Storage is cool
Jan 27, 2002
man, talk about freaky … James’ post not the movie.

I’m of the exact same opinion as James. I saw M/R last night and I was just telling a colleague pretty much word for word what James said and came here to post my thoughts on it, only to find they were already there!


Jan 13, 2002
Maybe your colleague is secretly James and you don't even know. ;)

I saw the movie this past Friday and I have mixed feelings. I'm letting the movie sink in a bit before I try to realize what I watched. I'll have to see it again when it's out to rent/own as I missed a few things during the movie.

By the way, did everyone stay to the very end of the credits to watch the preview of Matrix revolutions?


Storage Freak
Jul 19, 2002
Toronto-ish, Canada
Handruin said:
By the way, did everyone stay to the very end of the credits to watch the preview of Matrix revolutions?

Wha? ... D'oh!

It would have been tough to top the original; after all, the original Matrix was rather groundbreaking in thought, style, and execution. Nevertheless, I thought Reloaded was excellent.

... Is it just me or does Andy Wachowski remind you of Kevin Smith of Jay and Silent Bob, Chasing Amy, and Dogma fame?


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
I got to see it the Friday before last. A screening for the local movie critics (show up at a movie theatre at 10AM on a Friday and I guess this is what happens).

Two things occured to me as I watched it. One was that there was a fight sequence about every 20 minutes. Blah blah blah overblown dialogue blah blah fight fight fight blah blah blah blah.
The second is that I really don't care about any of the characters. Carrie Anne Moss in skintight leather certainly is an appealing sight, but could the leads be more one dimensional than they are in these movies? You've got generic good guy (Superman, as it turns out, and just like Superman, he's forgotten how to kill people), good guy's main squeeze, and wise old guy. Yup. That's the cast. Plus Elrond. But he has an excuse, 'cause he's a computer program.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
I was surprised to see Roy Jones Jr. being one of the not-so-unimportant character of the movie. The guy is a boxer, not an actor. And he didn't look like a goon. I mean, he fitted with the rest of the cast.

One thing that didn't really annoyed me, but still felt weird was the very large proportion of the good folks being black people while the evil ones being white. I mean, look at the people of Zion during the celebration and dances : almost all black. Maybe that was just a hazard, but it felt...weird. Or maybe it's because only black people wear sun glasses at night time in real life...


Learning Storage Performance
Nov 22, 2002
Beauport, Québec, Canada
I went to see it friday. Overall it was very good. Only a few negative remarks

1. Dialogues are very weak or useless sometimes.
2. French translation was pathetic :D.
3. Superman. Nuff said.
4. Sometimes, they do things for no in a real kung fu movie ("lets fight!" and then they fight for 30min).

The action scenes are really nice and well done. They perfected the style of the first movie.

Will Rickards WT

Learning Storage Performance
Jun 19, 2002
Pennsylvania, USA
Saw it on Saturday, it was AWESOME.
I want to go see it again.

Yes I stayed through the credits.
And let me warn you if you decide to do this, the credits seems to take forever and then you get maybe 30seconds to 1minute of preview of the third movie.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 21, 2002
Runny glass
Saw it on Friday. Excellent. Lots of action. Much more of a mind bender than the first I thought. Though I don't really know why it got an R-rating, perhaps the pathetic sex scene? Can't wait for T3 next month!


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 24, 2003
Chattanooga, TN
Saw it on saturday. The action scenes were good. I could follow the the plot well enough (what) but I'm going to have to see it again or three to understand the character's motivations (why).


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Pradeep said:
Saw it on Friday. Excellent. Lots of action. Much more of a mind bender than the first I thought. Though I don't really know why it got an R-rating, perhaps the pathetic sex scene? Can't wait for T3 next month!

3 female nipples, I think. None of them belonging to Carrie Anne Moss. During the rave scene. Also the fairly flagrant gunplay near the end of the movie (e.g. the keymaker), and Superman's battle with the Annoying Frenchman's henchmen. The real bad stuff didn't happen on camera, but there was probably enough of an inkling of what happened with those scimitars and maces to cause an objection.

Me? I want more Carrie Anne Moss in leather pants and far, far more gunplay in the next one. The Revolutions trailer seemed to indicate that those Battlemech things that were guarding Zion's parking lot are going to see some use in the next movie. I guess that would be cool.


Storage is cool
Jan 24, 2002
Sydney, Australia
Obviously since The Oracle died during the filming of Reloaded without doing any scenes for Revolutions, they will have to do some plot adjustments.

Carrie Anne was pretty far advanced in her pregnancy by the end of the filming so I suspect less and less leather outfits in Revolutions.


Storage is cool
Nov 14, 2002
i never did and don't believe for a second that the mother of the matrix is the oracle - i believe it's persephone.

1: she's been around since the beginning, and probably a program
2: the architect scoffs 'please...' when neo assumes it's the oracle.
3: the architect mentions and intuitive program designed to study aspects of the human psyche. emotion, namely love, is how everything got screwed up here. persephone wanted a kiss from neo and wanted to understand love
4: merovingian was keeping the keymaker, thus preventing neo from his scripted return to the source. persephone went behind his back to make sure they got him.

i think this guy is full of hot air, and while i only skimmed it, drawing a lot of off-base inferrences like the africa bit. if you seed a population with only 23 people, and any of them have color to them, the resulting race will be almost homogenously light brown.

the people that give a shit about this and study it a little more (without the pop philosophy) should make a faq like this:

why does the matrix have to get rebooted?

because the human anomaly that brings about neo and his ilk is systemic and would rapidly result in the failure of the matrix if gone unchecked. 'we've freed more people in the last 6 months than we have in 6 years' agent smith going haywire. etc.

why don't they just kill neo when he shows up instead of rebooting?

because the process has already begun, and when he goes to the source he's still in the matrix and has control - probably cannot even be killed.

why reseed the population?

three reasons: 1: to have an element of control on the 1% of the people who don't accept the matrix (one group, as opposed to many). 2: to plant the prophecy with them and have them locate neo before things go nuts. 3: (most important) for him to exist in zion and him to know them. if he knows them, he will grow attached to them as their protector, and choose the door to save them when he returns to the source (and willfully gives up - probably the only way to beat him in the matrix).

are those neos on the screen past neos?

no. nothing said they all look the same. there are more than 5 different ones, they represent possible choices, and the choice neo makes actually zooms in and becomes 'reality' each time they're shown. also, they all choose the same door (which none of the others did)

why did he choose the other door?

because he loves trinity and he believes he can do more than save 23 people. every other neo had a 'general' love (per the architect) for the entire population, and neo's is 'more specific' - intensely moreso for trinity.

what's with that guy in zion that wants to kill him?

bane is agent smith. he 'phoned home' earlier in the movie around one of neo's prophecy sequences.

but how could he do that?

2 ways. 1 is that he's 'human enough' to pull it off because of his melding with neo in the end of the first movie, and another is that zion is actually another matrix.

how did neo stop that sentinel?

same 2 ways. 1 is that he's 'program enough' to pull it off because of his melding with smith in the end of the first movie, and another is that zion is actually another matrix.

yes, this was off the top of my head.


Storage is cool
Nov 14, 2002
wow, this guy thinks neo is superman in the real world too.

while that is an OPTIONAL #3 for why neo can do what he did, i think it's so silly it wasn't even worth mentioning.


Storage? I am Storage!
Oct 12, 2002
Kansas City, USA
As soon as Neo stopped the Sentinal I figured that Zion was actually another Matrix.. a matrix inside of the matrix... a way to give those non-conformist types a way to feel that they were non-conforming.


Storage is cool
Nov 14, 2002
i don't like the idea of that because it officially breaks the rules of the movie. in every movie, rules are set. in normal movies we assume the rules of the world we know. in xmen, they define mutants and what they can/can't do. etc. if we were watching some dustin hoffmann drama and all of the sudden he begins glowing and magically solves the problems described in the movie, we would think it was a load of crap.

by doing it a SECOND time they will have made the characters less concernable, like when you see a preview for a movie that shows the protagonist standing on a bridge. if you're watching some threatening situation, even if it's not likely they would kill off the person, you lose an element of the movie when you KNOW he CANNOT die or be otherwise screwed because he hasn't yet stood on that bridge.

if they make it a matrix inside a matrix i think the first movie will be less enjoyable to rewatch, the second movie becomes the first, and the third movie will be less tense in general because you'll never know when they'll say 'oh that was a matrix too - they're not dead!'.

if they do go that way, i hope they do it well...

i think the goal was to have the neo/smith 'binding' be assumed as the cause, but clearly a *LOT* of people see it as a matrix in a matrix kind of thing. they went through an awful lot of pedantic trouble just to describe the neo/smith connection, and if you saw the preview for revolutions, you'll see that smith is the 'main guy' neo goes against. makes sense.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 1, 2003
Left Coast
Sorry for coming to the party late...

Logically, putting a matrix within the matrix makes sense. You're using recursion to squeeze the 1% that don't accept the Matrix down to a more manageable 0.0001%.

Then again, you're right in that it doesn't seem to fit the precepts of the movie.


Storage? I am Storage!
Nov 22, 2002
Somewhere in time.
Well, sorry for the coming to the party even later. I saw The Matrix (no, not "Reloaded", but the first one) for the first time on Friday :lol:. Yet to see Reloaded.

'Course a lot of things make no sense to me :(. I gues I should not expect Reloaded to clear things up any.

As somebody pointed out earlier in this thread (honold?) many things are left open-ended, there's a lot of metaphysical stuff, and the movies' creators essentially can twist things any which way and explain it all away.

Speculation is futile. You will be assimilated anyway.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
I just watched the DVD version of Animatrix on my projector. I started on my TV, but realized I had something worth a little bit of my bulb's life shortly after the opening title credits.

The incredible thing is, the short stories told in Animatrix are, to me, far FAR more compelling and appealing than the main storyline to "Matrix".