I'd just like to add note of sympathy or one particular machine of mine, known as TM1280. TM1280 is one of my dedicated folding machines. I've taken to snaffling any spare hardware around the place and building it into machines. This lets me test out the lying-around hardware, folds some proteins, adds significantly to Tannin's power bill, and drives Kristi nuts because all the powerpoints are taken up. But it means that anytime we want a second-hand system (which is once or twice a week) it's already built and tested; it just needs to have the network card removed and have a suitable hard drive inserted ready for installing whatever OS it is going to ship with.
I use old, small hard drives to fold on, mostly in the 420MB through to 2.1GB size ranges, and when the system sells, pull out the drive ready to be inserted into another machine as soon as I get time to build one. The machines I name according to the only common factor that is preserved: the hard drive.
Anyway, poor TM1280 is a Quantum Fireball TM, 1.2GB in size, and he has been folding for a while now; originally in an XP 1700, more recently in a Thunderbird 1000. Yesterday he finished a work unit and downloaded a fresh one - the infamous P180. On a Thunderbird, that's a long, slow crunch - an 8 pointer. Unfortunately for TM1280, Kristi went and sold his motherboard today. So as not to waste the space, I dragged out another processor and reconstructed the machine, plugged it back into the network. Alas, I have now discovered what TM1280 is working on .... and with his new Pentium II 333 CPU, he is going to take quite a while to finish it!